Build community.

In addition to the weekly work and class schedule, the Fellows serve in various ministries throughout the city and take part in ten retreats throughout the year. These outings range from adventure trips and lake weekends to silent prayer retreats and the National Fellows Conference in Washington, D.C. These trips are designed to foster group unity and to create space for spiritual rest and rejuvenation.


Community Building Workshop - Knoxville, TN

The first Fellows retreat of the year is a guided workshop designed to cultivate genuine relationships by teaching the Fellows how to let go of personal obstacles, communicate effectively and experience safety in community.

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Adventure Weekend - Lenoir City, Tn

The Fellows go camping, hiking and exploring in the outdoors together.

Service Week - Eagan, TN

The service week takes place in Eagan, TN, an Appalachian community near the Tennessee/Kentucky border.



Relationship Retreat - Norris Lake, TN

A long weekend at the lake where the Fellows explore Christ-centered relationships in community, led by a relationship counselor.

Silent retreat - Cross point Retreat center, Norris lake, TN

This retreat was designed to allow the Fellows to rest and enjoy the presence of God in silence and the beauty of His creation.



Micah 6:8 Regional Retreat - Location Varies

This retreat serves as weekend of fellowship with the The Fellows Initiative programs from Dallas, Kansas City, Chattanooga, Memphis, Nashville and Birmingham. A highlight of the weekend is the annual Ultimate Frisbee Tournament.

Vocation and calling retreat - knoxville, tn

A career counselor visits the Fellows to discuss their unique motivations and gifts to discern how they intertwine with God’s vocational calling for their lives.



Monastic retreat - bardstown, ky

This weekend away at the Abbey of Gethsemani is an opportunity for the Fellows to observe and participate in the monastic way of life in silence and contemplation.

Legislative retreat - nashville, tn

The legislative retreat offers an opportunity for the Fellows to meet the governor of Tennessee and converse with state legislators alongside the Fellows programs of Nashville, Chattanooga and Memphis.



Pioneer Plunge - weaverville, NC

An optional retreat open to both current Fellows and Knoxville Fellows alumni, this weekend away is an opportunity for the current class to connect with those who have graduated before them and with the Lord in a beautiful and rustic environment.

National Fellows Conference - Washington, D.C.

The final retreat of the year is a trip to Washington, D.C. with all 25 of the other Fellows programs around the nation.


Weekly Schedule

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